# volume_section_image_data ![](volume_section_image.jpg) ## Short description This example demonstrates how to access the image data of a volume section. ## Highlights There are two output formats available. 1. **The raw image data** This is essentially the same as getting a slice of the volume. Data type and value are the same as the volume the section belongs to. `raw_image = np.array (element.data.raw)` 2. **The rendered image** This yields the the image as rendered for the 3D view. `rgb_image = np.array (element.data.rgb)` This image is in RGBA format. Therefore you'll get the array shape of (1, 305, 295, 4). 1 project stage, 305x295 pixels, and 4 pixel values (RGBA). You can use this image also for processing with other libraries. The screenshot above shows the image opened with `Pillow`. ## Related * How-to: [Access element properties and data](../../howtos/python_api_introduction/python_api_introduction.md#access-element-properties)