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App Development Documentation website moved

Published on 2025-03-05 12:00:00


Updated links:

ZEISS INSPECT App Development Documentation

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Using the gom_vec3d and gom_math modules

Published on 2025-01-23 11:00:00

Did you know? Coordinates are often represented as gom.Vec3d objects in ZEISS INSPECT Apps. The gom_math module provides some functions for computations on gom.Vec3d objects.

See ZEISS INSPECT Python API Introduction — gom_vec3d and gom_math for details.

Scripted Diagrams

Published on 2024-12-17 13:00:00

Scripted elements and scripted diagram

Scripted diagrams have been added as a new feature in ZEISS INSPECT 2025. Scripted diagrams allow visualization of data provided by scripted elements in a very flexible way. More details can be found in Using scripted diagrams.


Published on 2024-12-12 12:00:00

Manage services dialog

In ZEISS INSPECT 2025, services have been introduced. A ZEISS INSPECT service is a Python script running continuously in the background, which exposes API functions to other scripts. Services can be distributed via Apps and can be used as computation kernels or callback targets. See Using services and Service API for details.

Testing Apps with dialogs

Published on 2024-12-05 12:00:00

Did you know that you can test Apps with User-defined Dialogs non-interactively?

See How-to: Testing Apps — Testing Apps with Dialogs for a detailed explanation.

Inserting a file selection dialog into a script

Published on 2024-10-28 16:00:00

Configure file selection dialog

With ZEISS INSPECT 2025, it is possible to add a dialog for selecting files or folders by using RMB ► Insert ► File… in the script editor. See Selecting a file or folder for details. This serves as a shortcut to creating a User-defined dialog if only a single file widget is needed.

ZEISS INSPECT 2025 Released

Published on 2024-11-25 11:00:00

We are happy to announce that ZEISS INSPECT 2025 has been released. As always, you will find a multitude of new features and improvements. New App development related features will be presented here shortly.

Selecting elements in scripts

Published on 2024-03-15 09:00:00

You have recorded script commands operating on groups of elements selected in the Explorer? The resulting gom.ElementSelection() seemed cryptic? You wonder how to access the selection? Selecting elements in scripts provides an insight.

Update of Internationalization Tools App

Published on 2024-03-14 15:30:00

Did you know that you can easily provide your App’s user interface in multiple languages? See Localization of Apps for details.

An updated version of the App ‘Internationalization Tools’ is now available in the ZQS Store.

How can I access the coordinates of a selection on a mesh?

Published on 2024-03-07 10:00:00

The FAQ article How can I access the coordinates of a selection on a mesh? explains how you can get the vertices, normals and triangles of parts of a mesh which have been selected interactively.

How do I use a C# / .NET library in an App?

Published on 2024-03-07 10:00:00

Please find the new article How do I use a C# / .NET library in an App? in the Frequently Asked Questions.

Running App tests with code coverage

Published on 2024-02-09 16:00:00

The quality of Apps can be enhanced by thorough testing. Sometimes not only the test results, but also the amount of code covered by the test suite is of interest. This is addressed by the new section Running App tests with code coverage of the chapter Testing Apps.

Using an additional Python GUI library

Published on 2024-02-05 12:00:00

The App Editor and the Dialog Designer provide an easy and convenient way of adding a graphical user interface to your App — see User-defined dialogs. GUIs which are created this way seamlessly integrate into the look and feel of ZEISS INSPECT. However, there are reasons why using a separate Python GUI library might be preferred. Using an additional Python GUI library gives a brief overview on use-cases, options and installation.

Working with stages

Published on 2024-01-30 11:30:00

Stages are used in ZEISS INSPECT for comparing inspection results of the same nominal part but different actual meshes. In ZEISS INSPECT Correlate, stages are used for 3D image series. Working with stages provides some basic information about using stages in Apps and shows typical applications of Python scripts for working with stages.

Using Python wheelhouses

Published on 2024-01-30 11:00:00

In most cases, Python packages — also known as Python wheels — are installed as described in Using the App Editor - Installing Python Packages.

In case this does not work, Using Python wheelhouses can provide a solution.

Scripted elements examples

Published on 2024-01-19 15:00:00

Examples for all types of scripted actual elements have been added to App Examples - scripted actuals. You might also want to review the basics in Scripted elements or to read details in Scripted elements API.

Software and script starting options

Published on 2024-01-15 10:00:00

There is a new page HOW-TO GUIDES - Software and script starting options, which deals with various ways to start ZEISS INSPECT and optionally execute a script.

Project Keywords

Published on 2024-01-15 10:00:00

There is a new section HOW-TO GUIDES - Project keywords handling. Project keywords can be used for storing meta information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Published on 2023-12-21 10:00:00

There is a new section HOW-TO GUIDES - Frequently asked questions with contents from the ZEISS Quality Forum, Tech Support and Development department.

New API Examples

Published on 2023-12-15 13:00:00


This example demonstrates how to access reference points in a measurement and meshes from Python.


This example addresses a fundamental topic of photogrammetry - transformation between 2D pixel coordinates in a measurement and a 3D point coordinate and vice versa.


Published on 2023-12-12 12:00:00

Welcome to the ZEISS INSPECT 2023 App Python API News Feed. Here we will post notifications on website updates and other project news.