Creating and modifying scripted elements from scripts

Non-interactive creation

You use the command gom.script.sys.create_element_by_script() to create a scripted element from a script without opening its dialog. This example uses a scripted actual distance:
import gom

# Create scripted distance using
element = gom.script.sys.create_element_by_script (
    check_type = 'none',
    element_type = 'distance',
    name = 'Distance 1',
    parameters = {
        'p1_x': 10.0, 'p1_y':  2.0, 'p1_z':  3.0, 
        'p2_x': -1.0, 'p2_y': -2.0, 'p2_z': -3.0
    script_uuid = '06a112da-b742-48f0-80b3-3c3893f4cc8a'

You get the script_uuid from the scripted element’s script properties:

script_uuid in script properties

This functionality is also used in the Python API Examples App’s script tests.

Non-interactive modification

You modify an element interactively using RMB ► Edit Creation Parameters in the Explorer. You achieve the same from a script with the command gom.script.sys.edit_creation_parameters(). To disable invocation of the dialog, the parameter nodialog has been added:
import gom

# Modify scripted element created with
gom.script.sys.edit_creation_parameters (
    element =['Distance 1'],
    parameters = {
      'p1_x': -10.0, 'p1_y':  2.0, 'p1_z':  3.0,
      'p2_x':  -1.0, 'p2_y': -2.0, 'p2_z': -3.0, 
      'nodialog': True},
Scripted element Python source code
def dialog(context, params):
    if 'nodialog' in params and params['nodialog'] == True:
        params['nodialog'] = False
        return params
    # ...