Selecting elements in scripts

Selecting elements using gom.ElementSelection() has been mentioned in ZEISS INSPECT Python API Introduction briefly. This section describes how ElementSelection is used in more details.


You are advised to create element selections by script recording, because this is less error-prone than programming the needed command parameters.

Recording element selections

You record an element selection by marking the desired groups of elements in the Explorer and executing a command on this selection. For convenience, you can use the command gom.script.cad.show_element() (shortcut: v) and replace it by the actual command in the script later. You can also select multiple elements at once.

Explorer - Nominal Elements selected

gom.script.cad.show_element (
    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'nominal'


The parameter passed to ElementSelection is a dictionary with the key 'category' and a list as value. The items in this list are essentially key - value pairs.

Accessing elements in a selection

ElementSelection is a reference to the selected elements:

elements=gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': [
        'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'nominal'
# output: 
# gom.ElementSelection ({'category': ['key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'nominal']})

To access the selected elements for reading their properties (e.g. element names), you use the returned reference in an iteration:

for element in elements:
# Example output:
# Plane 1
# Plane 2
# Circle 1

To get a list of element references, you use:

element_list = list(elements)
# Example output: 
# [['Plane 1'],['Plane 2'],['Circle 1']]

Using a Python comprehension, you can add another filtering condition:

element_list = [ element for element in elements if' 1') ]
# Example output:
# [['Plane 1'],['Circle 1']]


The following Explorer element tree is used to give some ElementSelection examples: Explorer - Examples


In the examples below, all selections are restricted to a specific part (part name: Part). You can omit the filter specification 'part',['Part'] to get a selection across any part or — if the project contains multiple parts — all parts.

  1. Part

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': ['key', 'elements', 'part',['Part']]}
  2. CAD Elements (Nominal part)

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'explorer_category', 'nominal_part'
  3. Mesh Elements (Actual part)

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'explorer_category', 'actual_part'
  4. Nominal Elements

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'nominal'
  5. Nominal Elements — Geometries

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'nominal',
            'object_family', 'geometrical_element'
  6. Nominal Elements — Geometries — Planes

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'nominal',
            'object_family', 'geometrical_element', 'type', 'inspection_plane'
  7. Nominal Elements — Geometries — Planes — Plane 1

    💡 The leaf nodes of the element tree are elements, not element selections!

    elements=[['Plane 1']]
  8. Inspection

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'inspection'
  9. Actual Elements

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': [
            'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'actual'
  10. Tags

    elements=gom.ElementSelection (
        {'category': ['key', 'elements', 'explorer_category', 'tags']}

More element selection options

You can get all inspections directly related to an element with:

elements=gom.ElementSelection (element, {'attachment_group': [None, 'criterias']})

You can get an element in the Section View tab with:

element=gom.ElementSelection (element, {'view': 'section_view'})

You can get all elements with:

elements=gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': [
        'key', 'elements', 'overview_explorer_categories', 'all_elements'

You can get all selected elements in a category with:

selected_elements=gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': [...]},


Unlike the other filter options (see section Explorer filter), selected is only used for script commands and not available in the filter dialog.

For the currently selected element, you can also select related elements from various tabs of the Explorer, e.g. “ Relates To”, “Depends On” and “Required For”:

# Options: related, depends_on, required_for
elements=gom.ElementSelection ({'category': ['key', 'related']})


You select elements in the explorer with the command gom.script.explorer.apply_selection(selection=<elements>)

Explorer filter

An Explorer Filter restricts the available elements to a certain criterion:

Explorer filter

Explorer filter criteria

You can add the Explorer Filter interactively, record the resulting command and use the filter parameter in a subsequent ElementSelection:

# Recorded command, can be deleted after copying the filter parameter to the ElementSelection
gom.script.sys.create_explorer_filter (
	filter={'param': 'Circle', 'type': 'by_name'}, 

# Nominal elements with 'Circle' in name
elements=gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': [
        'key', 'elements', 'part',['Part'], 'explorer_category', 'nominal'
    filter={'param': 'Circle', 'type': 'by_name'}


gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': [
        'key', 'elements'
        [, 'part', <part_reference>]
        [, 'is_element_in_clipboard', 'True' |
        [, 'explorer_category', 'measurements' |
                                'nominal_part' |
                                'actual_part' |
                                'linked_volumes' |
                                'nominal' | 
                                'inspection' | 
                                'actual' | 
                                'coordinate_systems' |
                                'alignment' |
                                'reports' | 
                                'stage_ranges' |
                                'tags' | 
        [, 'object_family', <object_family_name>]
        [, 'type', <type_name>]
        [, 'overview_explorer_categories', 'all_elements']

gom.ElementSelection (
    <element>, {'attachment_group': [None, 'criterias']}

gom.ElementSelection (
    <element>, {'view': 'section_view'}

gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': ['key', 'related' | 'depends_on' | 'required_for' | ... ]}

gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': [...]},
    filter = {['inverse': True,] 'param': <name>, 'type': 'by_name' } |
             {['inverse': True,] 'param': <keyword>, 'type': 'by_keyword' } |
             'visible' |
             'bodies' |
             'coordinate_systems' |
             {'inverse': True, 'type': 'visible' | 'bodies' | 'coordinate_systems'} |

You can also use the ElementSelection command with multiple selection filters to get elements that match any of the filters (disjunction / OR):

elements=gom.ElementSelection (
    {'category': ['key', 'elements', 'explorer_category', 'nominal']},
    {'category': ['key', 'elements', 'explorer_category', 'actual']}