Scripted elements API

This reference describes functions and data structures necessary for the implementation of “scripted elements”.

See also

If you don’t know about the concept yet, take a look at the Scripted elements introduction.

The dialog function

💡 Notes:

  • The main purpose of this function is to use display a script dialog and allow the user to enter element parameters.

  • All tokens of other elements can be accessed within this function.


def dialog(context, params):

Parameter context

The context contains the following members:





UDE data storage access

see “calculate” Function


Current stage

List containing stage index of current stage


Number of stages

Valid stage indices are 0 to total_stages - 1


Function to calculate preview

See below


Directly set preview

see “calculate” Function


Flag if element creation

True on (edit) creation, false on recalc


Name of created element

Read/write attribute
Ignored on recalc and script execution


Last error text from preview calculation

Empty if no error occurred


Reference to edited element

Only available during element editing


Reference to element used in project recalculation

Parameter params

The params contain a map of parameter values. It is only filled on element edit and contains the current parameters of the element.

Return value

The function must return a map containing the new element parameters.

If no map is returned the edit/creation is regarded as aborted by the user.

Calculating a preview

To calculate a preview, the context.calc() function can be invoked. It takes the following parameters:




A map of parameters to be used for preview calculation


Optional: A list of stage indices to calculate a preview in


Optional: A script dialog to message when preview calculation was successful.
If a calculation result is true, the dialog event handler will receive the event string ‘calculated’,
otherwise it will receive ‘error’.

A call to this function will return immediately. The calculation is invoked asynchronously in a separate python instance.

See also

A preview calculation is implemented in the example offset_point_v2.

The calculation function

💡 Notes:

  • It is not possible to call script commands or read tokens from within this function. (Do not call

  • The function should loop over all stages to be calculated and set a computation result for each stage.


def calculation(context, params):

Parameter context

The context contains the following members:





UDE data storage access

see below


Current indices

List containing stage indices to calculate


Number of stages

Valid stage indices are 0 to total_stages - 1


Directly set preview

see below


Flag if element creation

True on (edit) creation, false on recalc


Name of created element

Read/write attribute
Ignored on recalc and script execution


Used to assign an error text

Will set the element to not computed in the given stage


Reference to edited element

Only available during element editing


Reference to element being computed

Only available during non-interactive calculation


Number of stages which have started to compute

Used to display progress information


Number of stages which have to be computed

Used to display progress information


The is a list allowing to read or write additional data. The list is indexed with a stage index. The additional data is stored within the project, so the gom application must be able to serialize the provided data.[0] = value
value =[0]
Attribute context.result[]

This is a write only list used to set computation results. The context.result[] should be set for each stage index listed in context.stages.

The format to write must match the type of the script element. For available result types, see Scripted actuals - Return values and Scripted checks - Return values.

Return value

On success the function must return True, otherwise False.

Scripted actuals - Return values

See also

The section App Examples - scripted_actuals provides an example for each element type.


Element Type:

Plain 3D point


Point coordinate

result = (x,y,z)
result = gom.Vec3D


Element Type:

Two point distance


Start and end point of distance

result = { 'point1': (x,y,z), 'point2': (x,y,z) }
result = { 'point1': gom.Vec3D, 'point2': gom.Vec3D }

Value Element

Element Type:

Plain value (only real values supported)


any double value

result = x


Element Type:

2D Circle with direction


A center point, direction vector and radius (double)

result = { 'center' : gom.Vec3D, 'direction' : gom.Vec3D, 'radius' : double }


Element Type:

3D polyline


A curve can be made up by an array of subcurves. Each subcurve is a polyline. A closed curve will be created, if first point = last point.
As an option, a creation plane can be added.

result = [ { 'points': [gom.Vec3D, gom.Vec3D, ...] } ]

# Optional: Curve with additional creation plane
result = {
  'curves': [{'points': [gom.Vec3D, ...]}],
  'plane' : {'normal' : gom.Vec3D, 'distance' : float}

Surface Curve

Element Type:

3D polyline with normals


Like a curve with additional normal data, i.e. each surface curve can be made up by an array of subcurves.

result = {
  'default': [
    {'points': [gom.Vec3d, gom.Vec3d, ...], 'normals': [gom.Vec3d, gom.Vec3d, ...]},


Element Type:

3D polyline with normals


Parameters ‘plane’, ‘cylinder’ and ‘cone’ are optional. They denote the creation geometry. You can only use one of them. Argument is a corresponding trait.

result = {
  'curves': [{'points': [(x, y, z), ...], 'normals': [(x, y, z), ...]}, ...], 
  'plane' : {'normal' : (x, y, z), 'distance' : float}, 
  'cylinder': ..., 
  'cone' : ...

Point Cloud

Element Type:

Set of 3D points


A set of points. The ‘normals ‘attribute is optional.

result = { 'points' :  [ gom.Vec3D, gom.Vec3D, ... ] , 'normals' : [ gom.Vec3D, gom.Vec3D, ... ] }


Element Type:



Defines a triangulation. The vertices attribute defines all points. The triangle attribute defines triangles between these points using indices into the vertex list.

result = { 'vertices': [ (x,y,z) ], 'triangles':  [ (v0,v1,v2) ] }


Element Type:



Accepts any Cone Trait

result = {'default' : {'point1': gom.Vec3d, 'radius1': float, 'point2': gom.Vec3d, 'radius2': float} }


Due to the internal represenstation of a Cone Element, the direction of the vector point1 -> point2 is always from the smaller to the larger circle (radius1 < radius2).

If you specify radius1 > radius2 in the creation parameters, [point1; radius1] and [point2; radius2] are swapped automatically.


Element Type:



Accepts any Cylinder Trait

result = Reference

result = {'default' : {'point': gom.Vec3d, 'radius': float, 'direction': gom.Vec3d, 'inner' : bool} }

Volume defects

Element Type:

Volume defects


A list of meshes defined by vertices and triangles.

The vertices attribute is a [python array] – one entry for each defect – of numpy arrays (np.array) of Vec3d.

The triangle attribute defines triangles between the points of each mesh using indices to the vertex lists.

The ‘outer_hull’ parameter can optionally be set to a reference of a mesh element of the project. This mesh will be copied and used as an outer hull for the defect element. Alternatively, ‘outer_hull_vertices’ and ‘outer_hull_triangles’ can be given as explicit outer hull mesh definition.

result = {
  'vertices': [ np.array((x,y,z), (x,y,z), ... ), np.array((x,y,z), (x,y,z), ...), ... ],
  'triangles':  [ np.array((v0,v1,v2), (v0,v1,v2), ... ), np.array((v0,v1,v2), (v0,v1,v2), ...), ... ],
  'outer_hull' : gom.Reference     # optional OR
  'outer_hull_vertices': np.array((x,y,z),...), 'outer_hull_triangles': np.array((v0,v1,v2),...) 

2D Volume Defects

2D Volume Defects Example

Element Type:

2D volume defects element of curves

needed for the P201 package


Requires the parameters curves and outer_contours.

curves: A list/array of lists/arrays of Vec3ds. A list of points represents the polygon (curve) of one 2d volume defect. The list of lists of points represents all 2d volume defects that shall be included in the element.

outer_contours: The outer contour of 2d volume defects is the equivalent to the outer hull of 3d volume defects.

result = {
  'curves': [
    [gom.Vec3d, gom.Vec3d, ...],
    [gom.Vec3d, gom.Vec3d, ...],
  'outer_contours': [ 
    [gom.Vec3d, gom.Vec3d, ...],
    [gom.Vec3d, gom.Vec3d, ...]


result = {
  'curves': [ 
    np.array([(x,y,z), (x,y,z), ...]),
    np.array([(x,y,z), (x,y,z), ...]),
  'outer_contours': [
    np.array([(x,y,z), (x,y,z), ...], dtype=np.float),
    np.array([(x,y,z), (x,y,z), ...], dtype=np.float),


Element Type:

New volume data


Accepts a numpy array with voxel data and a transformation.

The numpy array’s shape denotes the resulting volume shape. The ‘dtype’ can be one of (UINT16, BYTE, INT16, INT16, INT32, UINT32, FLOAT, DOUBLE).

The transformation can be a gom.Mat4x4 (affine transformation) or a gom.Vec3d (scaling along x/y/z axis only)

result = { 'voxel_data' : np.array (), 'transformation' : (gom.Mat4x4 | gom.Vec3d) }

Volume material map

Element Type:

Attach material labels to volume element


Creates a new volume element copy with attached material labels.

First parameter is a numpy array of type UINT8 of the size of the volume. The values are the material index per voxel. Background has Index 0.

The second parameter is a list of floating point grey values that are the representative grey values of the background and the materials.

The third parameter is a reference to the volume element, to which material labels should be attached.

result = {
  'material_labels_draft' : np.array (),
  'material_grey_values_draft' : [background, material 1, ...],
  'volume_reference_draft' : Reference

Volume Section

Element Type:

Volume Section


Accepts a numpy array with pixel data and a transformation.

The numpy array’s shape denotes the resulting volume section shape. The ‘dtype’ must be numpy.float32.

The transformation is a gom.Mat4x4 (affine transformation)

result = { 'pixel_data' : np.array (), 'transformation' : gom.Mat4x4 }

Volume Region

Element Type:

Volume Region


Accepts a numpy array of the region data. The ‘dtype’ must be UINT_8. This array can be smaller than the volume grid.

The offset parameter defines the location of the first voxel in the numpy array of the volume region.

This scripted element requires specifying a reference to a volume element. This can be a volume or linked volume element.

result = {
  'volume_element': Reference,
  'offset': gom.Vec3d,
  'voxel_data': np.array ()

Scripted checks - Return values

Scripted Checks extend the concept of scripted actual elements to be able to calculate custom inspections based on python scripts.

Supported Element Types

The following element types are currently supported:


Element Type:

Scalar check:
A single scalar value is assigned to an element


A nominal and actual double value are set, and a reference to element which was checked.

result = {"nominal" : double, "actual" : double, "reference" : gom.Reference }

Scalar Surface

Element Type:

Surface check:
A scalar deviation value is assigned to each point of a mesh.


A list of deviation values for each point of a mesh. The mesh is also set as “reference” parameter.

The number of points of the mesh and the “deviation_values” array must match.

result = { "deviation_values" : np.array(dtype=np.float32), "reference" : gom.Reference }

Scalar Curve

Element Type:

Curve check:
A scalar deviation value is assigned to each point on a curve.


A list of nominal and actual values for each point of a curve. The deviation values are calculated automatically as a difference between both.

The curve is also set as “reference” parameter.

The number of points of the curve and the value arrays must match.

result = { "actual_values" : double, 'nominal_values': double, "reference" : gom.Reference}