Using script resources

The term “resource” is used to describe any files in your scripts directories that are not python scripts (*.py). You can use these files to include binary data such as images or other data like config files etc. in your Apps.

Importing resources

The resources files in your scripts directory are automatically recognized as such. You can as well add (import) resources using the context menu of the script editor.

RMB ► Import ► Resource

Usage in scripts

To get access to resource data in a script, the qualified name or relative path to the resource is needed. The qualified name starts with a : followed by the top-level folder and the path to the resource, e.g. :PythonApiExamples/examples/script_resources/test_resource.txt. You can also use a relative path to the currently executed script.


When using relative paths, the path is resolved to the script currently executed. This is not inevitably the script containing the gom.Resource call. E.g., when you import a script (A) containing a gom.Resource call in another script (B) and then execute the script (B), script (B) will be the currently executed one. In this case, usage of qualified names is advised.

Suppose you created a script called in a folder next to test_resource.txt. In the script, you can read the data in the following way:

res = gom.Resource ("test_resource.txt")
if (res.exists()):
   print (

See also